6 weeks after (1) Profractional Resurfacing with the Sciton Joule
Did you suffer from acne as a child and now have deep scars, commonly referred to as ice pick scars? Historically, treatment of this type of scarring relied on an aggressive and painful treatment called dermabrasion. With innovations in technology, dermabrasion has been replaced with customized laser treatments. The Sciton Joule Laser platform offers innovative technology referred to as profractional resurfacing that is ideally suited to patients with acne scarring.
Sciton® ProFractional™ and ProFractional-XC™ fractionated laser resurfacing procedures offer dramatic results with minimal downtime. Ultimately enhancing the overall appearance of your skin, ProFractional™ therapy is commonly used on the face, neck, chest and hands to treat: Wrinkles. Acne Scars.
Our practice offers these treatments as in office procedures at very competitive rates. Downtime is variable and dependent on the depth of the treatment. Call our office today for a laser consult and to see if this treatment can help you put your best face forward.