Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure perfo...
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Laquis SJ, Garcia-Valenzuela E, Sharma SC: The Patterns of Retinal Ganglion Cell Death in Hypertensive Eyes. Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology, 1996.
Sharma SC, Laquis SJ, Walsh J, Shareef S: The Acute Effects of Increased Intraocular Pressure on Retinal Ganglion Cells. Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology, 1996.
DaSilva JL, Sharma SC, Laquis SJ, Lerea KM, Stoltz RA, Abraham NG: Adenovirus Mediated Heat Shock Protein (Heme Oxygenase-1) Gene Transfer into Retinal Ganglion Cells. Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology, 1996.
Laquis SJ, Walsh TJ, Weitzman M: Pseudotumor Cerebri: A Retrospective Analysis. Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology, 1998.
Gonzalez C, Laquis SJ: Shifting of Null Point from Vertical to Horizontal in a Case of Neurological Upbeat Nystagmus after Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Surgery: Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology, 1999.
Laquis SJ, Sinard J, Gloor P: Surgical Management of Conjunctival Intraepithelial Neoplasia. Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology, 2000.
Laquis SJ, Fleming JC, Haik BG, Wilson MW: Draize Testing of Technetium-99m Sulfur Colloid in Rabbits. Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology, 2001.
Laquis SJ, Chaudhary P and Sharma SC: The Patterns of Retinal Ganglion Cell Death in Hypertensive Eyes. Brain Research. 1998; 784: 100-104.
Laquis SJ, Freeman J, Fleming JC, Wilson MW, Haik BG: A Rapidly Growing Choroidal Melanoma. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2002;133:147-149
Laquis SJ, Vick V, Fleming JC, Wilson MW, Haik BG: Intracranial Glomus Tumor with Orbital Extension. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2001. Vol. 17. No. 6 (458-461)
Laquis SJ, Fleming JC, Wilson MW, Haik BG: Retinoblastoma and Facial Abnormalities in a Patient with X; 13 Translocation. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2002;133:285-287
Laquis SJ, Wilson MW, Fleming JC, Haik BG: Conjunctival Mycosis masquerading as Melanoma. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2002;134:117-118
Laquis SJ, Edmonson B, Parks F, Haik BG, Wesley RE, Fleming JC: The Orbit: Volume and Dimensions Redefined. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. In Press.
Linder J, Edmonson B, Laquis SJ, Fleming JC: Skin cooling before Periocular Botulinum Toxin Injection. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2002;18:441-442.
Laquis SJ, Gomez J, Wesley, R: Success Rate of Non-Endoscopic Intranasal Dacryocystorhinostomy. American Society of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Scientific Meeting, Chicago 2010.
Book Chapters
Laquis SJ, Haik BG, Fleming JC. Blepharoplasty in Graves’ Disease. Dutton J, Haik BG. Graves’ Disease: A Comprehensive Overview.
Laquis SJ, Haik BG. Orbital Imaging. Focal Points in Ophthalmology. (In Press)
Biesman B, Laquis SJ, Wesley RE. Lasers in Oculoplastic surgery. In: Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 10/2002
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